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Should Indoor Vaping Banned?

Launch Time: 2016-01-08 Views: 1724 Rely: 1 Started by:

There recently raised a hotspot issue that should vaping indoor be strictly stopped in public? Actually, this is a question that related institutions and individuals should consider about. Here are some examples for your reference.


A Canadian man is fighting for the ability to vaporize medical marijuana in his hospital room in Moncton’s Dr. Georges-L-Dumont University Hospital Centre, as reported by CBC News.


Michel Arsenault was prescribed medical marijuana for chronic pain in 2005 after undergoing three major back surgeries and trying numerous other medications to relieve the pain. Vaporizing marijuana gives Arsenault ”great relief,” according to the report. But when he tried using his vaporizer during a hospital stay, staff said he had to use it outside because there was no smoking allowed in the hospital.


Per CBC News:

“I said, ‘I agree with that but I’m not smoking, I’m vaping,’” he said.

“There’s no harm to my health, there’s no smell. You should compare apples to apples. There’s no harm to my health, there’s no smell. I don’t know what the problem is.”


A spokesperson for the Horizon Health Network told CBC News that “no tobacco products/medical marijuana/herbal products intended to be smoked or heated; smoking devices in any form or e-cigarettes,” may be used on hospital grounds.


But why there still exist so plenty of cases that indoor vaping is banned in some countries? The reasons are from the public’s incomprenhension and misunderstanding of e-cigs. It is a universal common sense that the traditional tobacco is harmful to health and people who don’t smok hate to be affected by the second-hand harm from the smoke. However, they may mix the vaporizing products with the tobacco. Another reason may because a minority of people hate somke itself, but mostly the essential reason is that many people think smoke or vapor is the same and harmful.


To vape or to suffer? This is a question for people eager for e-cigs. While, to suffer or to change? This is another question for the other group prejudicing against vapor. Vaping, for similar groups like the Canadian man, is a necessary right and indispensable to fight for.


The better solution would be a compromise for both two sides. The advocators of the vaping ban shall change the prejudice against electronic cigarettes and for the vapers they should try to consume e-cigarettes with health e-juice in public consciously and keep the hazardous one in suitable time to vape.