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Vaping advocates rally in Carbondale

Launch Time: 2016-06-06 Views: 1338 Rely: 1 Started by:

By Jordan Maddox 

Illinois - CARBONDALE -- Advocates for the electronic vaping devices gathered at the Carbondale Square on Saturday to spread the word about what is happening to their hobby. 

The Federal Drug Administration wants to regulate the product, like tobacco. But the application fees involved with that process would cost the industry some hefty fees. 

A move by Congress would extend the time line, so most products on the market could stay on the market without the application fees. 

Ethan Robison owns Easy E's Vape Shop in Vienna and in Anna and said he has helped many kick the habit of smoking by switching to vape.

"Vaping is by far, much better than smoking," he said. "It's been proven, the FDA is just choosing to ignore that."

And if Congress does not endorse the resolution, locals said it will be bad for their business and customers.  

"Vaping by 2019, shops, owners like myself and Ethan, we won't be around," said Jason Smith who owns 618 Vape in Carbondale.

But more than just a business, there is a sort of vaping community.

Many have shared life changing stories about vaping, like Casey Lovell of Dongola.

Lovell was a smoker with previous health problems. Later, she became pregnant and then was diagnosed with Leukemia. She said vaping helped her through the tough times and thinks the product helped save her life. 

"Just with the radiation alone, I went down a stage to stage two and I was vaping and [the doctor] was like give it two more weeks and I'll test you again, and as of about five months ago, I have been in remission," Lovell said. 

Whether or not vaping saved her life is debatable, but it did help her let go of cigarettes. 

And then there is Brenda Skobel of Murphysboro.

Skobel was not able to rally with everyone else. Recently undergoing chemo, but still wanting to support the cause, she watched the rally from her car.

She was a smoker for 34 years and just 14 months ago she turned to vaping instead. And she said for her, it is good for her medically.

"The breathing for the COPD, let's put it that way, the doctor says it's improved tenfold," Skobel said. "When I first started vaping my breathing was at an 80 percent and now my breathing is 100 percent. My lung capacity was at three quarters, now it's at 7/8s."

Skobel also said the vaping helps keep ammonia out of her lungs from chemo.

The House Resolution is 2058.


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